So, along with the change in season has come a change for all of us to the next stage in culture shock: acceptance. I think all four of us feel completely comfortable navigating our way through our host country and city, meeting new people, encountering new situations and living here has become more of a joy and less of something to endure. Thus we have been very busy having fun lately. To wit:

That same day, our lovely friend Irena, bless her heart, came to our house to watch the kids while Jess and I had a night on the town for my birthday celebration. We had heard that there was a little cafe downtown featuring live jazz, and since all live music had been cancelled for the mourning period of 30 days, this was even more of a treat, because it was an exception to the ban. Le Petit Cafe was a perfect place to start our evening. It was dark, intimate, and friendly. In fact, when the band got on stage, the singer noticed the two farang sitting in the back, and asked us (through the microphone) "Do you speak Thai?" We shook our heads "no" so she proceeded to translate everything she had said in English, which, it turns out, was an explanation of how the music they were going to play had been composed by the king as a lament about being away from his wife. It was a bit embarrassing to be singled out in front of everyone, but at the same time, we felt very welcomed and accepted too.
After Le Petit Cafe, we headed into the part of the city that is known for it's mostly farang bars. We went only because we had been hearing about these places for the past 4 months and hadn't ever visited this area, so it was a perfect time to find out what it was like. And now that we know, we don't have to go was that underwhelming. Nevertheless, we had fun because we were together, having intelligent adult conversation uninterrupted by children for the first time in a long time. And there was beer.
On Sunday, we decided to check out an area by the river that seemed to be some kind of carnival. We drove in and realized it was part of the Loy Krathong Festival. This is one of Thailand's biggest festivals each year. It celebrates the water goddess who supplies the people with life giving water. People make or buy Krathongs, which are little rafts that hold flowers, incense, candles and sometimes small amounts of money as an offering to the goddess. They then float the krathongs down the river. Well, apparently, they also have carnivals too, so we walked around with the kids playing games of chance and skill, shopping and eating treats. It was yet another unique experience for us to enjoy and remember as part of our time here.

Finally, at Radd's request. we walked across the bridge by the Loy Krathong festival to take in the carnival lights, as well as the lights from the floating krathongs moving peacefully along the current of the Kok River. It was a poetic ending to my Thai birthday weekend. One for the books, to be sure.
And so it is that we move into stage 3, where things are a bit easier and time moves a bit faster and our eventual departure from this beautiful place is considered with a bit more reluctance on everyone's part. Ahh but there are more good times ahead, so why waste time considering such thoughts? Better to sit outside,
considering and feeling the cool breeze now and appreciating it for its respite from the heat, but also for its temporal nature. When the winds blow us back to Montana, we will have time to look back and marvel at each moment we were given here. Then we will allow ourselves to feel sadness at its passing so quickly - but only for a moment.